Recognition process between Moorish States
The sovereign State of Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado looks forward to fostering relations with other Moorish Provincial State Governments in order to restore the Moroccan Empire. Each provincial Moroccan State seeking recognition from AMPAC must have fulfilled the criteria expressed in the 1933 Treaty of Montevideo.
For example, see article 1 as follows: A State is a person in international law and must possess the following qualifications: (a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) government; and (d) capacity to enter relations with the other States.
Below you will find the preferred circle 7 State of Facts that will assist AMPAC in its review and validation of the documentary evidence shared by the petitioning new Moroccan State as follows:
- Declaration of Independence
- Constitution in conformity with uti possidetis juris
- Provincial State Flag
- Provincial State Seal
- Public Inauguration
- Proof that your constitution has been deposited with the UN Charter
- Proof of accessions to the various Moorish treaties and UN resolutions
It is important to know that the State of Allodium Moorish Praedium Ante Colorado supports the principles expressed in the Charter of the United Nations. Our State is committed to the maintenance of peace and security with other peace-loving States throughout the Empire of Morocco and abroad. We look forward to recognizing new provincial Moroccan States, and in like manner, AMPAC looks forward to being recognized by other Moroccan States in Morocco.